8/31 - TOWNHALL - Denver Mayor Defends "Newcomers"

Denver Mayor Johnson on gang crime:
"A much bigger risk is a perception that the newcomers are dangerous"
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 30, 2024

However, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, the amount of criminal immigrants arriving in the country has spiked since 2021— the same year Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office. The report found that more than 13,000 "criminal noncitizens" who have tried to enter the U.S. illegally have been apprehended by Border Patrol agents in Fiscal Year 2024— a stark increase from 4,269 in FY 2019.

[S.A.M. wrote: "Hmmm... maybe he should house them in his own home"]

[ocpadrino: "I'm sure he has an extra bathroom !"]

Progressive Denver Mayor Defends 'Newcomers' Gang Violence

8/31 - TOWNHALL - CA Passes Bill for Illegal Aliens to Vote

In a 57-16 vote, the state’s Assembly passed Senate Bill 1174, which would ban voter identification requirements from being forced at local government levels.

Introduced by State Sen. David Min (D) and co-sponsored by State Sen. Josh Newman (D), the bill would “prohibit a local government from enacting or enforcing any charter provision, ordinance, or regulation requiring a person to present identification for the purpose of voting or submitting a ballot at any polling place, voter center, or other location where ballots are cast or submitted, as specified.”

California Just Passed a Bill That Would Give Illegal Aliens the Green Light to Vote

8/31 - ANTIOCH HERALD - CA Legislature Passes Home Loan Assistance to Illegal Aliens

It would expand eligibility of the California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loan program, to be renamed under the bill to the Home Purchase Assistance Program, by removing any disqualifications based on an applicant’s immigration status. If approved, illegal immigrants could enter the lottery system under the program and qualify for the 20% in down payment assistance up to $150,000. [20% of $750,000]

However, not all illegal immigrants would qualify for the program. Under AB 1840, only those with taxpayer ID numbers or Social Security numbers could apply. According to the language of the bill “This bill would specify that an applicant who meets all other requirements for a loan under the program and who is otherwise eligible under applicable federal and state law, shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status.”

CA legislature passes bill to give home loan assistance to illegal immigrants

8/29 - TOWNHALL - Buildings "Falling" to Venezuelan Gangs in Colorado

Terrifying footage out of Aurora, Colorado, a suburb of Denver, shows a hoard of illegal aliens and members of a Venezuelan gang patrolling an apartment complex with a rifle. Video captured on a doorbell camera shows the men attempting to get into an apartment. Aurora is not a sanctuary city. Denver, however, is a longtime sanctuary city.

The mayor is also weighing in, saying multiple buildings have "fallen to" these Venezuelan gangs.

Multiple Buildings Have 'Fallen' to Venezuelan Gangs in Colorado

8/29 - NEW YORK POST - "Really Scary" as Illegal Aliens Attempt to Board a CA School Bus

A group of about 20 migrants terrified young children by trying to get on their California school bus early Wednesday — a day after a smaller group walked down a highway trying to stop another bus, district officials said.

The alarming incidents occurred in the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District close to the Mexico border — where school bus drivers are now being ordered to skip stops where migrants might be waiting.

On Tuesday, at least three migrants walked in the middle of Highway 94 to try to stop a bus that was forced to go around them, Fox 5 reported.

20 migrants attempted to enter California school bus picking up students

8/28 - PROJECT VERITAS - FDA War Against Ivermectin was Abuse of Authority

The attorney from the Department of Justice who defended the Food & Drug Administration in court ADMITTED on undercover camera that the agency’s actions were an abuse of authority by the government during its public campaign against ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

DOJ Lawyer Admits FDA War Against Ivermectin was Abuse of Authority

8/28 - TOWNHALL - Texas Makes Alarming Discovery About Non-citizens Voting

Texas’s effort to clean up its voter rolls has resulted in more than 1 million names being removed, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Monday.

Since signing Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, individuals who have moved out of the state, died, or are non-citizens have been taken off voter rolls.
Governor Abbott signed House Bill 1243 into law last year, increasing the penalty for illegal voting, including voting by non-citizens, to a second-degree felony.”

Amid Effort to Clean Up Its Voter Rolls, Texas Makes Alarming Discovery

8/27 - TOWNHALL - Venezuelan Gang Has Taken Over Aurora, Colorado

A violent Venezuelan prison gang known as Tren de Aragua has spilled into Aurora, Colorado, despite the fact that the city wanted “no part” in welcoming so-called “asylum seekers” as a result of President Joe Biden’s open border policies.
Last month, a bulletin from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned border agents and other law enforcement agencies of a threat posed by Tren De Aragua. The gang gave an apparent "green light" to its members who have infiltrated the United States to shoot American law enforcement.

A Violent Venezuelan Prison Gang Has Taken Over an American City

8/26 - DAILY MAIL UK - RFK Jr. Secret Service protection taken away after pausing campaign and backing Trump

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will no longer have Secret Service protection after pausing his 2024 campaign for president – but vowing to still run in November on the ballot in all but 10 states.
When candidates for president drop out, it's standard procedure for their protective detail to be pulled. But RFK Jr. is technically still in the race and has not ended his White House bid...

RFK Jr. has had his Secret Service protection taken away


Who Receives Protection?

The Secret Service does not determine who qualifies for protection, nor is the Secret Service empowered to independently initiate candidate protection.

Under 18 U.S.C.' 3056(a)(7), "[m]ajor Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates," as identified by the Secretary of Homeland Security (Alejandro Mayorkas), are eligible for Secret Service protection.

Secret Service protection

8/24 - OC PADRINO - Why are we taxed?

In the fiscal year 2023, the U.S. federal government collected approximately $2.18 trillion in income taxes. This amount represents about 48.7% of the total revenue of $4.48 trillion collected by the federal government during that year.

Yet, $2.2 trillion was added to the U.S. national debt in 2023. That means $6.68 trillion was "spent."

As of September 20, 2023, the total amount of U.S. currency in circulation was approximately $2.33 trillion. This figure includes all forms of U.S. currency such as Federal Reserve Notes and coins. The government could tax everyone 100% and not touch the annual expenditure. BTW, this figure is repeatably taxed on $13 trillion worth of transactions.

By the end of fiscal year 2023, total federal debt reached about $33.2 trillion, which reflects an increase from previous years.

The U.S. national debt today stands at approximately $35 trillion (that's $35,000,000,000,000).

- U.S. Department of the Treasury:

The official government source for comprehensive data on financial data regarding federal revenues including detailed reports on tax collections from different sources such as individual income taxes, corporate taxes, payroll taxes and expenditures including detailed reports on national debt.

[We are the best-fed, best-clothed and best housed slaves in the world.]

8/21 - BEARING ARMS - NZ Gun Control Doesn't Seem to be Working

Wait...do you mean to tell me that people who can access nearly 700 pounds of drugs can also somehow get guns despite all the laws to the contrary?

Say it ain't so!

Next, you'll tell me there's no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy.

That New Zealand Gun Control Doesn't Seem to be Working Out For Them

8/20 - RUMBLE - Voter ID

Voter ID is not racist. It is counter-counter-culture. If you want to hide from the law, your baby-mama or your sex-offender status, you shun government documentation. - ocpadrino

8/20 - TOWNHALL - Subverting Democracy With Ranked-Choice Voting

What happens when a voter does not rank every candidate, and his choices are eliminated? The ballot is deemed ‘exhausted’ and is thrown out. Meaning, as designed RCV manufactures a majority winner by routinely discarding thousands of ballots so candidates need only win a majority of the remaining votes, not a majority of all votes cast. ...

There are changes to our elections that would make it easy to vote and harder to cheat, such as Voter ID, clean and updated voter rolls, preventing non-citizens from voting, strict adherence to voting laws, eliminating unmanned and unmonitored drop boxes, and so much more.

But the RCV scheme...

[Synonyms of settling : sediment, dregs]

Maine Shows Just What's Wrong With Ranked-Choice Voting

8/17 - TOWNHALL - Absolutely insane story from the Magic Kingdom

"There is simply no reading of the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement which would support the notion that Mr. Piccolo agreed to arbitrate claims arising from injuries sustained by his wife at a restaurant located on premises owned by a Disney theme park or resort which ultimately led to her death," the attorneys said, adding that the "notion that terms agreed to by a consumer when creating a Disney+ free trial account would forever bar that consumer’s right to a jury trial in any dispute ... is so outrageously unreasonable and unfair."

[Hide your first-born]

Disney's "Reason" to Throw Out a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

8/14 - TOWNHALL - Swing State Tweet About Election Night. How conspiracy theories begin.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is warning us ahead of Election Day: they might not have all the ballots counted that night. We’re back to this nonsense of election workers counting ballots for a few hours and then being sent home as if they spent two whole days in the coal mines.

[Here we go...]

The PA Department of State Did Not Just Tweet This About Election Night Returns

[Enough said]

["Can you say... professional politician? I knew you could." - Mr. Rogers]

8/10 - REDSTATE - Biden's Las Vegas Medical Event

Audio from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department's protective detail for President Joe Biden on July 17 was released Friday afternoon by Oversight Project, which obtained the recordings through a Freedom of Information Act request. Those recordings confirm RedState's reporting that Biden was first headed to University Medical Center, a trauma center, after he suddenly canceled a speaking engagement due to illness, then suddenly diverted directly to Harry Reid International Airport.

[Turn your head to the left and call-off]

LVPD Recordings Released From Biden's Medical Event

8/10 - TOWNHALL - The War On Agriculture and Nutrition

Elite billionaire organizations and foundations, government agencies, and activist pressure groups are funding and coordinating a global war on modern agriculture, nutrition, and Earth’s poorest, hungriest people. Instead of helping more families get nutritious food, better healthcare, and higher living standards, they’re doing the opposite and harming biodiversity in the process.

The World Economic Forum wants to reimagine, reinvent and transform the global food system, to eliminate greenhouse gases from food production. Central to its plan is alternatives to animal protein: meal worm potato chips, bug burgers instead of beef patties, and meat loaves and sausages made from lake flies, for instance. Fixing the WEF’s toxic workplace is apparently a low priority.

[Would you like flies with that?]

Who Is Directing the War On Agriculture and Nutrition?

8/9 - JUST THE NEWS - FBI let suspect in plot to kill Trump into U.S. on parole despite terror ties

The FBI allowed Asif Raza Merchant, the Pakistani man charged with plotting with Tehran to assassinate Donald Trump and others, to enter the U.S. in April with special permission known as “significant public benefit parole” even though he was flagged on a terrorism watchlist and recently traveled to Iran, according to government documents reviewed by Just the News.

FBI let suspect in plot to kill Trump into U.S.

8/9 - TOWNHALL - Your TAX dollar at work.

At a [Aug 2, 2024] press briefing, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) claimed that "anti-American" groups were receiving funding through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Groups Engaged In 'Anti-American Activities' Getting Govt Funding

8/6 - BEARING ARMS - Citizen in Las Vegas Stops Homicidal Driver

When we talk about defensive gun uses, many people think of using a gun against someone else with a gun, or maybe a knife.

The truth is that a firearm is vital for defending ourselves and others from any deadly attack. What's more, a lot of people don't think of a lot of other things as deadly weapons. So when they hear a case stripped of context, sometimes they don't understand what's happening.

For example, when the police shoot a supposedly unarmed driver, a lot of people forget that a car is a potential weapon.

Armed Citizen in Las Vegas Stops Driver's Homicidal Rampage

8/5 - PJ MEDIA - The Secret Service Cocainegate Cover-Up

Was it Hunter with the cocaine in the cabinet room? Ashley with the cocaine in the Oval Office? Or was it a stranger with access to the White House reference library? The mystery of the cocaine found in the White House over the July 4, 2023, holiday was closed for lack of evidence almost as soon as it began. But now there are revelations of a cover-up in the case.

The Secret Service Cocainegate Cover-Up

8/5 - HOTAIR - Secret Service Wiped Cell Phone Info

The Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security just released--after it being delayed by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas--a report on the Secret Service failures on January 6th that almost led to the assassination of Kamala Harris, the incoming Vice President of the United States by a pipe bomb.


The Secret Service fought the Inspector General tooth and nail to hide its electronic communications from the Inspector General, and went so far as to delete all the text messages. When challenged it the Secret Service basically shrugs, blaming it on technical issues.

Secret Service Wiped Cell Phone Info

8/5 - PJ MEDIA - Secret Service Lied About J6 Pipe Bomb Incident

On January 6, 2021, the Secret Service had another colossal communication breakdown, destroyed evidence, didn't see evidence, and then lied. For those following along, this sounds like allegations ripped from the headlines of the almost memory-holed attempted assassination of Donald Trump, but, no, it's about yet another consequential failure and apparent assassination attempt.

The Secret Service inspector general released an 82-page investigation into the agency's response to the January 6, 2021, Capitol Building breach and riot, and the pipe bombs found outside the DNC and near the RNC.

The Secret Service Lied About J6 Pipe Bomb Incident Too

8/5 - PJ MEDIA - J6 Lie Exposed With the Release of Secret Service Report

Remember Cassidy Hutchinson, the former West Wing aide who swore that the hearsay evidence she would tell the J6 Committee was the truth, the whole truth, so help her God? The new Inspector General's report on the Secret Service's activities on Jan. 6, 2021, has finally put this story and Hutchinson's reputation into the wood-chipper.

Another J6 Lie Goes Into the Wood Chipper

8/5 - JUDICIAL WATCH - Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Judicial Watch announced today that a hearing will be held on August 6 at 4 p.m. ET in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in the $30 million wrongful death lawsuit filed on behal of the estate of Ashli Babbitt.


This is the first hearing to be held in the wrongful death lawsuit that was filed on January 5, 2024, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California against the U.S. Government on behalf of the family of Ashli Babbitt, the U.S. Air Force veteran who was shot and killed inside the U.S. Capitol by then-Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd on January 6, 2021 (Estate of Ashli Babbitt and Aaron Babbitt, et al. v. United States of America (No. 3:24-cv-00033)). The lawsuit includes claims against the U.S. Government for wrongful death, assault and battery, and various negligence issues.

Federal Court Hearing Set for Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit

8/3 - TOWNHALL - There Was a Very Strange Incident at Mar-a-Lago This Week

... a Chinese national tried to infiltrate the residence of former President Donald Trump. Zijie Li, 38, of El Monte, California, tried repeatedly to gain access to the property. This was a concerted effort that quickly got the attention of the Secret Service and local law enforcement around the property following the July 13 assassination attempt on the former president in Butler, California.

[Ah,sweet Mr. Li of Calif., at last they found you!]

Strange Incident at Mar-a-Lago

8/3 - Rules for thee...

8/3 - A Blast from the Past - 2020

[He's physic!]

8/2 - TOWNHALL - Biden Admin Revokes 9/11 Plea Deal In Shocking Turn of Events

The Biden Administration made a significant U-turn in the plea deal for the accused 9/11 terrorists on Friday.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revoked a proposed plea deal for the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks that triggered nationwide outrage.

["Biden" Admin Revokes...]

Biden Admin Revokes 9/11 Plea Deal

8/2 - RASMUSSEN REPORTS - The Real Unemployment Rate: Still Almost Double the Official Rate

National unemployment was 8.4% in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Real Unemployment update, up from 7.9% last month and starkly different from the 4.3% officially reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics today.

[Counting is hard. Wait till the election]

The Real Unemployment Rate



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